Commercialisés sous la marque Two notes Audio Engineering, les simulateurs et atténuateurs d’amplificateurs que conçoit Orosys font le bonheur des guitaristes, des bassistes et des ingénieurs du son, en France comme ailleurs dans le monde
Careers in sound
Would you like to know more about a career in sound, audio or radio? These video interviews will give you a broad overview of different careers that exist in the industry.
In addition, we have a video presenting an organisation called COODIO (one of a kind in France), which offers people from Montpellier and afar, working in sound, audio, radio and voice recording, a place to share their experiences and develop new projects.
Interviews were filmed at Do Tank, a coworking space located at 2 Rue du Pavillon, Montpellier. Look out for the attentive listener in the background of each interview, a full-size mannequin!
You can also listen to podcast interviews with the same people, produced by Bastien Nicolaï.
People interviewed :
- Alexandre Carlotti : Audio Director, Ubisoft Montpellier
- Bastien Nicolaï : sound engineer and art director specialised in audio books
- Bernard Durr : retired researcher in Musical Research
- Edouard Lauret : co-founder of My Shared Studio
- Mayssa Issa : radio journalist for France Média Monde
- Michaël Williams : studio sound engineer at Kiwi Records
- Morgan Dufour : sound designer and manager of AudioWorkshop
- Philippe Montel : audio book publisher at Soladar and business communication consultant
- Benoît Illinger : project manager at Coodio
- Baptiste Janvore : communications officer at Via Occitanie
Marketed under the brand name Two notes Audio Engineering, the amplifier simulators and attenuators designed by Orosys are highly regarded by guitarists, bassists, and sound engineers in France and around the world.
Based in Montpellier, NETIA is one of the world’s leading providers of business software for radio stations. Founded in 1993, the company is present in about forty countries.
La société montpelliéraine NETIA est un des leaders mondiaux des logiciels métiers pour les radios. Créée en 1993, elle est présente dans une quarantaine de pays
The Kitchen France provides voice-related services such as dubbing, voice-overs, readings, singing, as well as translations, adaptations, subtitling, M&E (Music & Effects), and sound design for all types of media.
The Kitchen France propose des services orientés sur le travail de la voix comme le doublage, voix off, lectures, chant, mais aussi traduction, adaptation, sous-titrage, création de M&E (Music & Effects) et sound design pour tous supports.
Bastien Nicolaï : ingénieur du son, Directeur artistique sur des livres audio.
Mayssa Issa : journaliste radio France Média Monde.
Michaël Williams : ingénieur du son studio chez Kiwi Records.
Alexandre Carlotti : Directeur audio Ubisoft Montpellier.
Edouard Lauret : Co-fondateur de My Shared Studio.
Benoît Illinger : Responsable de projet chez Coodio.
Philippe Montel : éditeur de livre audio chez Soladar, consultant entreprise communication.
Bernard Durr : Retraité, anciennement chercheur au groupe de Recherche Musicale.
Morgan Dufour : Sound Designer et Gérant à AudioWorkshop.
Spécialiste du design sonore, Audio Workshop a deux cordes à son arc, la post-production audio et la formation aux métiers du son. Tout en faisant mouche à l’export, elle bénéficie de son ancrage dans l’écosystème montpelliérain.
Specializing in sound design, Audio Workshop has two strings to its bow: audio post-production and training people in the sound professions. Even with its focus on export markets, the company remains firmly attached to the Montpellier ecosystem.